Bioinformatics Centre



  1. Conformational switches in human RNA binding proteins involved in neurodegenerative disorders. Chatterjee S, Maity A & Bahadur RP. 2023 (Under revision)
  2. Modular architecture and functional annotation of human RNA-binding proteins containing RNA recognition motif. Agarwal A & Bahadur RP. Biochimie. 2023;
  3. NCodR: A multi-class support vector machine classification to distinguish non-coding RNAs in Viridiplantae. Nithin C, Mukherjee S, Basak J, Bahadur RP. Quantitative Plant Biology. 2022;3:e23.
  4. A comparative analysis of machine learning classifiers for predicting protein-binding nucleotides in RNA sequences. Agarwal A, Singh K, Kant S, Bahadur RP. Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal. 2022 ;20:3195-207.
  5. EpICC: A Bayesian neural network model with uncertainty correction for a more accurate classification of cancer. Joshi P, Dhar R. Scientific Reports. 2022;12(1):14628.